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Global Ministries Agency

"For I (Lord) was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’" Matthew 25:42-46 (NIV)

Global Ministries Agency

Global Ministries Agency Limited (GMA) exists to equip and send missionaries to minister to the spiritual, physical and social needs of people in communities locally and internationally.

Founded by Donovan Beersingh, a non- profit inter-denominational Christian organization which was launched September 2016.

GMA is dedicated to creating awareness, training by educating, preparing, collaborating with and engaging the Christian community in outreach ministry.

Ordinary Christians like you can be apart of this global ministry. Do you believe in the word and work of the Lord? This ministry is for you.

Others Above Self

Skills Training

Our mission trips are about equipping the community with skills needed for their survival. In Haiti we trained Nail Technicians from the deaf community.

We Build

Our mission team members assist with the building of churches, schools, and dormitories. Helping fire victims return to normalcy by rebuilding family homes.


Spreading the love of Jesus Christ with the world. Partnering with churches to carry-out Vocation Bible School, food distribution and helping in fundraisers.

Financial Support

When we can't go to offer support we bless churches all across the region financially with monies donated by committed donors. This is our way of kingdom building.

What People
Say About Us

 In Haiti, our mission was to assist with the construction process of churches in South Cambry including a Church for the Deaf. We even ministered at a few Churches in South Cambry and also when we landed back in Jamaica. We went to outings which included the beach and sports days. The unity among the team was so unbelievable. The hospitality I received by the hosts in Haiti was most beautiful and I am looking forward to returning soon. Our trip was so super awesome. It’s the best missions experience I have ever had.

Andrene Campbell, Volunteer

I'm happy because God used the mission to grow, teach and change my life.I can join with the gospel artist song"Jesus make me smile again". My dearly beloved I can testify and say that God sent me on four missions before the pandemic and now I'm a student attending Jamaica Theology Seminary.

We can take comfort in Jeremiah 29:11. It's for us to know that it is not a promise to immediately rescue us from hardship or suffering, but rather a promise that God has a plan for our lives...

Kevin Goodhall, Volunteer

I could never be the same person I was before these 5 days spent in your presence. I am everyday thankful for that, for you (GMA Team), my family and I cannot wait to see where God takes us in the next chapter. It’s becoming clearer to me, that the reason why God took me to you was to take me back HOME, to where I belong and remind me of who I am and who he wants me to be, as much as who he is and what he has done, and is capable of doing!! I have decided to listen and to trust him.

Rebecca Laguerre, Volunteer

 In Haiti, our mission was to assist with the construction process of churches in South Cambry including a Church for the Deaf. We even ministered at a few Churches in South Cambry and also when we landed back in Jamaica. We went to outings which included the beach and sports days. The unity among the team was so unbelievable. The hospitality I received by the hosts in Haiti was most beautiful and I am looking forward to returning soon. Our trip was so super awesome. It’s the best missions experience I have ever had.

Andrene Campbell, Volunteer

I'm happy because God used the mission to grow, teach and change my life.I can join with the gospel artist song"Jesus make me smile again". My dearly beloved I can testify and say that God sent me on four missions before the pandemic and now I'm a student attending Jamaica Theology Seminary.

We can take comfort in Jeremiah 29:11. It's for us to know that it is not a promise to immediately rescue us from hardship or suffering, but rather a promise that God has a plan for our lives...

Kevin Goodhall, Volunteer